Agrarian Fund of the City of Bijeljina

Ulica Miloša Obilića 51a
76300 Bijeljina
Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 (0)55 206 908
[email protected]
[email protected]
Agrarian Fund of the City of Bijeljina was established in 2008 to provide support to solving existing problems and to creating favourable conditions for faster recovery and development of agriculture in the territory of the City of Bijeljina.
Agrarian Fund is funded from the city budget. Investments of the Agrarian Fund in agriculture in the territory of the City of Bijeljina are related to direct incentives to agricultural producers in accordance with their own investments in the agricultural production.
The goals of the Agrarian Fund are as follows:
Agrarian Fund is funded from the city budget. Investments of the Agrarian Fund in agriculture in the territory of the City of Bijeljina are related to direct incentives to agricultural producers in accordance with their own investments in the agricultural production.
The goals of the Agrarian Fund are as follows:
- Enabling agricultural holdings to exercise their rights to incentives in an easy and simple manner,
- Decreasing extensive production of producers and increasing production of crops, vegetables, fruit and other agricultural plants,
- Intensive development of cattle breeding as the basic agricultural branch which leans on farming,
- Increasing the quality and quantity of production and accomplishing optimum production environment at a local level,
- Achieving higher financial effects in agriculture,
- Achieving higher yield per unit of surface area with lower investments,
- Proposing incentive measures at the level of the City of Bijeljina.
Agricultural development:
- Supporting the development of vegetables production in protected spaces through modernisation of equipment, introducing new varieties and hybrids in order to achieve better production quality and quantity,
- Supporting the development of farming through the usage of new technologies, introduction of high production varieties and hybrids, as well as introduction of modern agricultural techniques,
- Supporting the development of fruit production through introduction of new growing technologies, varieties and hybrids,
- Supporting the development of cattle breeding – by introduction of new technologies and ways of breeding, through development of high quality and productive breeds, and enlargement of base stock,
- Supporting the procurement of irrigation systems with the aim to accomplish higher yields in primary agricultural production.
Development of food processing capacities, associations and agricultural cooperatives:
- Supporting the development of processing capacities,
- Supporting interest cooperations of farmers,
- Supporting the establishment of agricultural enterprises – incentives for establishment and development of agricultural cooperatives.
Rural development in the territory of the City of Bijeljina:
- Supporting the development of infrastructure in rural areas with the aim to accomplish connectivity, accessibility and easier development of agriculture.